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Account Name:
Account Number:
+91 984 592 6911
Mr. Farmer
The plight of marginal farmers is well known. Most of them depending on the income from rainfed agriculture. Falling in a debt trap with the local money lender is a common sight. We plan to support with ways and means to create a wealth and respect for the farmer through simple but effective techniques.
For Example, Agroforestry with Lemon and Tamarind trees can generate cash in a short span of time. Further, installing a Bee Colony can improve per acre yield leading to better ecological balance..

The natural resources like forests, rivers, oceans and soils provide us with the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we irrigate our crops with. We also rely on them for numerous other goods and services. we depend on them for our health, happiness and prosperity.
This program is mainly to introduce the children the importance of nature in our day-to-day life and the ways to compliment it. This program will contribute in a big way to revitalize the plants knowledge, introduce the water management practices though net- pan methods, learn the harvesting of sun energy and introduce waste management to the younger generation.

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