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Ready to execute CSR Projects





Empowering Farmers for economic freedom

10 to 50 lakh

Roadside, Agroforestry, Vidya vriksha, Miyawaki

​10 to 30 lakh

Communication, Problem Solving and Digital awareness

10 lakh

Robotics, IoT, 3D Printing for students

​30 to 50 lakh

Transforming a location for water sources

25 lakh+

Smart Agriulture

Project Name: Smart Agriculture

Implementing Partner:  Mantarlee Social Innovations Federation 

Support Amount: 10 to 50 lakhs 

Location:  Pan India 

Period:   1 to 3 years 

Project Brief:

The plight of marginal farmers is well knows. Most of them depending on the income from rainfed agriculture. Falling in a debt trap with the local money lender is a common sight. Government support may be just enough to keep the farmers breathing. Many regions in India are recording famers suicide. We plan to create a farmer training and support facility to improve their economic wellbeing. The idea is to develop functional models in a live farm of 2 to 3 acres where Farmers can learn and replicate the ideas to improve their income, improve their yield per acre and water conservation. We plan to tweak these models to make it native, local and easily adaptable by the farming community. So depending on the chosen location, the models for income, improving yield and water conservation can vary.

Key objectives

a. To create a farmer training and support centre to improve income, yield and water conservation for marginal farmers.
b. To support minimum 100 farmers to improve their livelihood
c. To create awareness with at least 500 farmers on various tools and techniques to improve the income.

Qualitative Impact

The proposed farmer training and support centre is one-of-a- kind in the area and the facility can become a pivot in improving the livelihood of the farmers. Further the awareness on the best practices can promote the environment sustainability.


a. Ready to use training infrastructure with models.
b. 500 farmers and community members trained on environment sustainability.
c. 100 farmers supported to create impact on their income

Quantitative Impact

The plan is to support 100 farmers in terms of improving their livelihood. Then train at least 500 farmers and community members trained on Environment sustainability. 1 Facility with 20+ live models is created and maintained for a year.

Sampoorna Tree Plantation
Forest Trees

Sampoorna Tree Plantation

Project Name: Sampoorna Tree Plantation

Implementing Partner:   Mantarlee Social Innovations Federation

Support Amount:  10 to 30 lakh 

Location:  Pan India 

Period:  1 to 3 years 

Project Brief:

Bangalore has been considered as a reference point, it will change depending on the location  Bangalore and surrounding was renowned for its trees, lakes and it's pleasant air only 25 years ago. Now the city has sacrificed it's environment for some of the fastest economic growth seen anywhere in the world. The environmental effects of break-neck urban growth in Bangalore are temperature has increased by 2 to2.5C, water table declined from 28 meters down to 300 meters deep, 88% loss of vegetation and 79% loss in wetlands and frequent flooding even during normal rainfall. Bangalore Urban and Rural districts falls in the water stressed geography. Tree plantation is one of the critical initiative to improve the rainfall and raise water table. We are looking at tree plantation, supporting farmers to improve their livelihood and awareness creation through Vidya Vriksha - a nature garden in schools as a part of the project and at least 1 Miyawaki forest at a suitable place.

Key objectives

a. To plant 2000 trees and maintain it for a year
b. To support 10 farmers to improve their livelihood
c. To create Vidya Vriksha - a nature garden in 3 schools d. To create 1 Miyawaki forest

Qualitative Impact

Tree plantation will contribute to the community in a long way in terms of doing it's bit to improve rainfall and water table.. Farmers will learn a new way to improve their yield. School will have a good nature garden to educate students and community members alike on environment as well as water conservation techniques.


a. Plantation of 2000 trees
b. 50 Fruit Tree Plantation and Bee Box set-up for 10 farmers
c. 100 Tree Plantation, 1 net and pan rain harvesting - nature garden in 3 schools
d. 1 Miyawaki forest e. Training and awareness programs.

Quantitative Impact

2000 trees planted at the outskirts of Bangalore in 3-gram panchayats covering 1 to 2 acres of area. 10 Farmers benefitted with 50 fruit plants and 1 bee colony to improve their income as well as yield. 3 Schools covered under Vidya Vriksha creating environment awareness in 1000+ students. 3000+ community members impacted due to a combined initiative.


Life Skill And Computer

Life Skill And Computer

Project Name: Life Skills and Computer

Implementing Partner:  Mantarlee Social Innovations Federation

Support Amount:  10 lakh 

Location:   Pan India 

Period:  1 years 

Project Brief:

We have been engaged with a cluster of Government Schools, at Varthur and Gunjur, Bangalore for various activities like supporting the school in the evaluation and implementation of school management software solutions along with learning management solutions. We are also working with them for imparting various life skills like Communication, problem solving and goal setting along with sharing our experience in IT industry. The school has expressed a need of interactive digital classroom solutions along with a small computer lab with 3D printing facility. This is mainly from the perspective of exposing the kids to modern technologies and related job as well as entrepreneurship opportunities. The addition of the proposed infrastructure can go a very long way in giving the required Life Skills as well as technology exposure to the students coming from economically as well socially backward backgrounds.

Key objectives

a. Installation of interactive digital classroom solution, computer lab with 3D printer
b. Train the teachers to use the solutions.
c. Train the students for life skills and computer + 3D printing

Qualitative Impact

The facility is one-of-a-kind in the school and can become a pivot in training and awareness for best practices in life skills and technology exposure. It can inspire lot of students to plan their life in a better way and also make them aware about thee opportunities in modern trends like 3D printing.


a. Set-up 1 Digital Classroom, computer lab and 3D printer
b. Trained Teachers to use the set-up
c. Trained Students on Life Skills and Computer + 3D printing.

Quantitative Impact

1 Digital Classroom with a computer lab with 3D printer
5 teachers trained for the set-up
100 students trained for 50 hours of life skill and 50 hours of computer + 3D

Open Space Office

Innovation center for applied education

Innovation center for applied education

Project Name: Innovation center for applied education

Implementing Partner:  Mantarlee Social Innovations Federation

Support Amount:   INR 30,000,00/- 

Location:   Bangalore 

Period:  1 years 

Project Brief:

The proposed lab will be implemented and managed by < Department of college > under < Trust or Society name>. We have challenges in increasing employability of the students owing to various challenges like absence of constant collaboration with industry, lack of hands on experience on latest technologies with faculties and lack of continuous support to students for practical projects. Our plan is to set-up applied innovations lab to provide exposure on Robotics, 3D printing, IoT and Data Science along with access to licensed application based learning system. The system comes with a super teacher program and also self learning capabilities for students. The lab set-up and the structured systematic exposure can make students job ready with innovation and problem solving capabilities.

Key objectives

a. Set-up applied innovations lab.
b. Promote a culture of innovation in faculties and students.
c. Train 500 students
d. Explore industrial use through collaboration

Qualitative Impact

The facility is one-of-a-kind in the innovation and can become a pivot in training and industrial collaboration. Every year the undergraduate students are able to develop solutions that are truly transformative and effective, with a great potential to result in new patents, student start-ups and products.


a. State-of-the art applied innovations lab set-up
b. Training and Exposure to 10 faculties and 500 students
c. Create model use cases and prototypes for solving problems.
d. Establish Industrial Collaboration

Quantitative Impact

1 Facility supported for training,
10 faculties trained and exposure provided to
500 students and
5 industries reach-out for collaboration.


Climate Smart Agriculture

Climate Smart Agriculture

Project Name: Climate Smart Agriculture

Implementing Partner:   Mantarlee Social Innovations Federation

Support Amount:  5 to 10 lakhs 

Location:  Pan India 

Period:  1 to 3 years 

Project Brief:

​The growing population and changes in diet is driving up the demand for food. According to world bank 2020 report, 8.9% of population is hungry. The food security challenge will be more difficult as by 2050, we will need 70% more food. The challenge is intensified by agriculture's vulnerability to climate change. On Farms, climate change is reducing crop yields, the nutritional quality and livestock productivity. There is a need of substantial investments in adaptation to maintain or improve yield and food quality. Climate Smart Agriculture is an integrated approach to managing cropland, livestock, forests and fisheries to address the interlinked challenges of food security and climate change. CSA aims to achieve three outcomes, 1. Increased Productivity 2. Enhanced Resilience 3. Reduced Emissions. We have the infrastructure facility to train the farmers for climate smart best practices like for example, improving yield by vermi composting, Bee Box, using active charcoal to improve quality of soil and agroforestry to increase farmer's income. Now we are looking at leveraging this facility to actually enable farmers to implement best practices. The idea is to provide kits and equipment to farmers for vermi composting, active charcoal production, Bee Box and native fruit plants like Lemon, Tamarind, Coconut etc.

Key objectives

a. To create awareness on climate smart agriculture.
b. To promote climate smart agriculture by improving infrastructure available to the farmers.
c. Environment conservation by tree plantation in Agroforestry and their maintenance.

Qualitative Impact

This will be a very effective model of training, empowering and enabling farmers to implement climate smart agriculture and at the same time improving their livelihood and adding our bit to environment sustainability.


a. 200 farmers trained on climate smart agriculture.
b. Installation and training to 30 farmers for vermi composting, Bee Box and active charcoal production.
c. Agroforestry plantation for 30 farmers, 25 saplings each.

Quantitative Impact

1 facility leveraged and sustained
200 farmers trained on climate smart agriculture.
30 farmers trained, empowered and enabled to implement vermi composting, Bee Box, active charcoal production and agroforestry with 25 fruit plants.

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